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- = January - June 2001 = -

Malaika 3

Hey, it's Malaika, clothed this time and being her usual sultry self (or so I try to portray). Colored version coming soon.

A lovely canine of indeterminate species who serves as bartender at a cafe.
Faeon 1

Almost everyone has their "Don't-*&@!-With-Me!" attitude. Faeon just happens to transform into hirs when threatened or in a serious gut-clawing mood. This is prolly the first request I've decided to do, since most that know me know I don't do any unless really motivated to. Faeon of SPR is © hir player, of course. Saiya-jin Combat Armor © Akira Toriyama.

- = July - December 2001 = -


Sketch of Twilight.
Tiny AI

Sketch of Tiny.
Tigre A

How'd you like this dangerous feline leaping at you from shadows? This is the original quickie sketch done at an Artist Ambush contest on SPR (changed since then); I figured the pose was good enough to clean up and add some detail to. I'm allowed to do that, right? ..Right? ...Smeg...
Tigre B

How'd you like this dangerous feline leaping at you from shadows? Originally a quickie sketch done at an Artist Ambush contest on SPR; I figured the pose was good enough to clean up and add some detail to. I'm allowed to do that, right? ..Right? ...Smeg...
Solace sketch

Sketch of Niko and Jonesy.
Kaluha in Autumn

A quickie sketch of Kaluha in a pool of leaves, done for the first Artists' Ambush meeting of SPR ( ), held every Sunday. If you're interested and have a character on SPR, feel free to drop by! Art and 'Kaluha' copyright 2001 Jason Lampkin

- = May 2002 = -


The sketched version of Niko's little-big skunky'sune having some fun in the big city.

Yrrista, the tall, lithe warrior mouse with a strength and will that speaks through her proud stature.

- = August 2002 = -


There's a reason she's known as the 'World's Largest Enigma'...

- = January - June 2004 = -


A quickie sketch thingy of the blue bun DrJones sitting atop a..yah, a generic exam table. What, you want more detail? Maybe. :p DrJones of course is copyright her creator.

- = January - June 2004 = -

The Archer

A neat little pencil sketch, inspired by concept art from Peter Jackson's Lord of the Rings motion pictures. Likely to be fully colored in the future.

Another sketch of Deja, my stray hyena lass. Brownie points to whomever recognizes the blade.

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